The Stella Maris College Scout Group was founded in 1956, and is an active member of The Scout Association of Malta. It currently consists of over 150 members, split into various sections according to age. The group is run by the Group Scout Leader (GSL), while each Section has its own Section Leader and Assistant Section Leaders.

The Beaver Section, which caters for scouts aged 5 to 7, is run by the Beaver Scout Leader (BSL). The Beaver Scout Section is the youngest Section of the Scouting family, and their activities are based around making things, outdoor activities, singing, playing games, outdoor visits, investigating nature, listening to stories, learning how to be safe and most importantly, making new friends.
The Pack Section, which caters for scouts aged 7 to 10.5, is run by Akela. The assistant leaders also have other names that are inspired by characters from the Jungle Book. The Pack is sub-divided into smaller groups called Sixes, each one named after a different colour. The Sixes are, in turn, led by Cub Scouts called Sixers and assisted by their Second Sixers.
In the Troop Section, which caters for scouts aged 10.5 to 14.5, the Scout Leader (SL) and the assistants (ASLs). Similar to the Pack, the Troop is divided into small teams called patrols, each one named after a different animal. Each Patrol is lead by a Patrol Leader (PL) and is assisted by an Assistant Patrol Leader (APL). The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) acts as a link between the scouts and the leaders.
The Venture Unit, which consists of scouts aged 14.5 to 18, is led by the Venture Scout Leader (VSL) and the assistants (AVSLs). Since the members are older than the previous two sections, the Unit is run in a slightly different way, using the Venture Executive. This consists of four Venture Scouts who are elected every six months from the Unit members.
The Band Section, which is open for scouts aged 10.5 and above, consists of members who are active in their normal section, but who would also like to learn and play an instrument. The marching band is run by the Drum Major (DM) and is assisted by the Band Master (BM), and it regularly takes part in various scouting activities.
All Leaders in the Group give their time, energy and dedicated to this organisation on a purely voluntary basis. They spend countless hours providing a service within the Scout Group, and also training themselves in order to be able to provide the best experience possible to our members. Their only reward is the satisfaction that they have made a difference in the life of a youngster.